
GIR Ladle & Spoonula | Flexible, squishable, indestructible

Created by GIR: Get It Right

Like all of GIR’s products, our newest tools are here to redefine what it means to “get it right” in the kitchen. We used a blank-slate approach to come up with the very best design possible. These are the best ladles and spoonulas OF ALL TIME. They're unified by their versatility, but perhaps they're most easily summed up by their ability to scoop almost anything in the kitchen. Kickstarter rewards shipping now. BackerKit pre-orders shipping March 2017.

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724 reasons the last 31 hours were amazing
over 7 years ago – Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 05:26:19 PM

That's how many of you backed this campaign in the first 24 hours. And to you and the 62 of you who've joined up since then - hi everybody!

What a stupendous first day - in fact, it's the most backers we've ever had on day one in any of our campaigns... plus, you all had this thing funded within 52 minutes. But enough of stats. This is the right time for us to send out our first big THANK YOU of the campaign. You might get tired of hearing us say that, but we never get tired of saying it.

Some of you have had questions about adding extra products or combining rewards. In case that's appealing, here the skinny (cribbed from the comments section where we've been chatting about all this with backers already):

If you want to combine any of the official reward tiers, you can just pick a "starter pledge” and adjust the Pledge Amount to include whichever other rewards you want. We'll help take care of the rest via BackerKit right after the campaign ends. It’s that easy.

For international backers, here's our basic formula for shipping in case you bump up your tier to include a lot of extra products:

$0-25 of product: $10 international shipping
$25-100 of product: $14 international shipping
$100-200 of product: $19 international shipping
$200+ of product: $25 international shipping

Extra note: we never, ever make money on shipping. In fact, we usually lose money on it because it’s worth it to us to make it easier for everyone to join in on the GIR fun. Hopefully that comes through in the general structure, but just wanted you to hear it here too.

Right after the campaign ends, we’ll be sending a survey to collect shipping info and color preferences. As part of the survey, you’ll have the ability to get additional products from the GIR catalog (everything we have in stock at, at backer-only prices.

Why wait? Rather than include a complex menu of add-ons and instructions in the campaign, we figured it would be easier for everyone to make additions to their core pledge afterwards at the same time they're completing the color+address survey. If you do add things post-campaign, rest assured that everything will ship together in December so that you can get/give any gifts at the same time!

Cheers and have a great weekend,
The GIR Team